Alternative Supplements/Nutrition

 Alternative Supplements/Nutrition

Natural supplements and vitamins are often overlooked in traditional psychiatry. At the minimum vitamin D, folate, B-12 and a full thyroid panel are needed to determine if supplementation is necessary.

We can treat mood issues and anxiety with low doses of lithium orotate (dosing around a thousand times less than the lowest prescription dose of lithium carbonate), various mushroom powders, amino acids and more. Particular attention should be paid to gut health.

We will soon be offering DUTCH hormone testing to explore adrenal insufficiency, hormone imbalances and more. Correction of such imbalances is done with lifestyle modifications, diet, supplements and nutritional supplements.

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** We are offering telehealth visits for initial evaluations. For established patients, we are offering in office hours when convenient for patient and provider

**We offer telehealth for residents of California

Note that certain services require annual in person visit